Today's Quick Links come from Fitness Pain Free, Aaron Swanson, The Student Physical Therapist, and Eat, Run, Rehabilitate.
Dr. Dan Pope recently reviewed the importance of tibial IR during closed chain activities like squatting. Check out his post here along with some EDGE Mobility Band plugs, thanks Dan!
Dr. Aaron Swanson shot a quick and effective method for assessing thoracic and pelvic dissociation. Watching in the mirror and concentrating on proprioceptive feedback, you can get your patients to see and feel for asymmetries that need to be corrected.
Dr. Chris Fox experienced a unilateral acute neck pain episode similar to the one that transformed the way I educated patients about repeated motions. Nothing like feeling the empowerment of self treatment with repeated motions and the rapid improvement you can get. Thanks for the OMPT Channel plug and your support and great job with the end range loading!
Adam Kelly and I were having a discussion a while back on how everyone believes their hamstrings are "tight." Prior to taking FMS and the SFMA and learning tests like the Active SLR (then checking it passively as well). You can see how most of these so called "tight" hamstrings are really just motor control/stability issues. Read Please Leave Your Poor Hamstrings Alone.
For more Quick Links, please read The OMPT Daily!
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