Do You Own a Business and Hate Selling? | Modern Manual Therapy Blog - Manual Therapy, Videos, Neurodynamics, Podcasts, Research Reviews

Do You Own a Business and Hate Selling?

As a physical therapist, you HAVE to get over your issue with sales. And here’s how.

People are getting crushed right now. The pandemic has caused so many business owners to give up, but you can’t let yourself join them. How do you keep going? Get over selling.

If you don’t like sales and want to make sure the right people come into your clinic, you need the Ultimate Application Funnel.

Essentially, it’s an application form that qualifies potential patients for you. The basis of it is this: If you can get patients in who already want to see you, sales becomes a lot easier.

Originally, we had a self-scheduling system for people in our clinic. They could put themselves on my schedule without speaking to us first. But then, they’d end up upset at the cost because I didn’t do the sales process correctly. They’d also spend the entire appointment telling me their story, so I wouldn’t even get a chance to see them move.

It was getting frustrating and time-consuming, and I knew I had to figure out how to get information from people before I spoke to them. So, when going through the process of raising our rates, I brought the method over from my coaching business.

Where is the application?

The application funnel requires a few things. First, a link somewhere to the application! This can be on your social medias or website saying, “Interested in a free total body diagnostic? Click here!”

We use Typeform for our forms, as you can customize them. (Tip: Google Forms just looks like Google Forms, while you can make Typeform resemble your own site with its colors, etc.)

If you have the ability to, definitely create a custom URL for the application. We use the PrettyLinks plugin through WordPress.

What do you put in the application?

Here are some examples of what we have on our form:

  • “What are you struggling with?”
  • “How long have you been struggling with this?”
  • “What’s this been keeping you from doing?”
  • “Where did you hear about us?”
  • What’s the best time for a call back?”
  • Finally, name, phone number, and email address!

When the person submits the form, our Customer Care Specialist gets notified. She then calls the patient to get them on the schedule. Alternatively, you can have the form redirect to a site like Calendly for the patient to schedule a call themselves.

Finally, you need an automated reply saying, “Thank you!” Typeform provides you with a thank-you page, and you can edit it to say something like, “We’ve received your request and will reach out to you in the next 24 hours about scheduling your appointment!”

Make sense?

While the Ultimate Application Funnel will definitely get you higher quality leads, learning sales is still necessary. It’s one of the most valuable things you can do if you want to generate more money, time, and freedom for yourself and make it out of this pandemic.

If you’re still struggling with adding online coaching or telehealth to your business, check out this Free Training just for you.


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