Eval, Reset, and Stabilize Hamstrings | Modern Manual Therapy Blog - Manual Therapy, Videos, Neurodynamics, Podcasts, Research Reviews

Eval, Reset, and Stabilize Hamstrings

Hamstring "tightness" is mostly just perception and very rarely is it really a length issue. When active straight leg raise is limited/tight/painful and passive straight leg raise is significantly improved in mobility (but not necessarily intensity), you can easily reset it.

Alternating manual resistance through the range of hip flexion and extension is a great way to improve the feeling of hamstring tightness. Hip flexion will often feel difficult for the patient to resist and will feel weak to the clinician doing the resistance. Starting out with light resistance and gradually increasing the amount should improve this as often it's inhibition and not true weakness. After several reps, re-test ASLR and PSLR, it should be improved. The patient can then stabilize and work the new range with ballistic core activated ASLR. The full video with explanation and additional stabilization exercise for home program are on Modern Manual Therapy Premium!

Eval, Reset, and Stabilize Hamstrings

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