Podcast Tuesdays! A Doctor Abroad- The Story of Stand for Haiti Project w/ Dr. Justin Dunaway | Modern Manual Therapy Blog - Manual Therapy, Videos, Neurodynamics, Podcasts, Research Reviews

Podcast Tuesdays! A Doctor Abroad- The Story of Stand for Haiti Project w/ Dr. Justin Dunaway

“Am I going to change their life, change their week or not change anything?”

– Dr. Justin Dunaway

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Life is tough. Its full of challenges, some big, some small but always present. We strive to achieve…something. We all have daily struggles whether in business, work, family or in some instances something even bigger. Some of us look beyond personal goals or daily struggles and strive to help others. In this podcast we talk to Dr. Justin Dunaway about his mission to help the people of Haiti have a better chance at life through medical care. Listen to hear how sometimes the best things in life are moments and actions that save lives.

About Stand for Haiti Project:
Here is some general info:
Twitter: @StandHaiti
Instagram: StandHaitiProject
My Email: JDunaway@Stand4Haiti.org  (feel free to post this for people to contact with questions.)
we are a registered 501(c)3 so all donations are tax deductible and donations can be made through the website
Inaugural STAND trip to the new clinic will be the following dates and volunteers can do 1st week second week or both.
Week 1: Sept 25- Oct 4
Week 2: Oct 2-11
STAND arranges all flights, in island travel, room and board, food, translators- its kinda like an all inclusive trip- just pay your trip fee and show up at the airport. We really work to make it as easy to do this for volunteers as possible.
As for the building we use: the 1st floor is a clinic and the second is a dorm, with beds, running water, flushing toilets, and showers so its really not as rough on the volunteers as it sounds- just hot and humid.
This is a primarily PT driven project but it is truly and interdisciplinary team of PTs prosthetists, orthotists, gen med, OTs- cases are about 80% multijoint chronic ortho pain that responds well to good solid manual and some things to do at home.
We will be looking for 10-15 ish PTs for each week.
Expenses: Right now our capital expenses are looking like $15,000 for the 12 month lease plus another $10,000 for equipment for the clinic. In Haiti you pay everything up front (including the building lease) so morgan and I are floating the costs to make sure this happens this year in hopes that once we get rolling the donations will come.

Keeping it Eclectic....

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