Reflections on The Eclectic Approach to Spinal Manipulation: Buffalo, NY | Modern Manual Therapy Blog - Manual Therapy, Videos, Neurodynamics, Podcasts, Research Reviews

Reflections on The Eclectic Approach to Spinal Manipulation: Buffalo, NY

You wouldn't want to stick your face in these, but they make great coffee holders!
The Eclectic Approach tour has begun for 2014! I finally got off my paternity leave butt and starting teaching!

This course was at my Alma Mater, D'Youville College and the class was great as usual, with a mix of 2nd and 3rd year DPT students along with 4 Physio's from Canada.

Always love meeting blog readers! One drove all the way from Ottawa! - gracias!
Course highlights and bullet points

  • loss of "loading" ability for unilateral spinal and extremity issues
  • check cervical retraction and SB for UQ dysfunction
  • check SGIS for LQ dysfunction
  • do not underestimate patient's ability to comprehend a neurophysiologic explanation
    • be prepared to have different levels of explanation depending on comprehension by the patient
  • HEP dosage is dependent on how often you are negating the effects of whatever reset improved your condition
  • case Q&A
    • "How does your loading loss explanation fit in with McKenzie's recovery of function?"
    • I check for recovery of function phase but do not always instruct unloading, mainly because most patients are already unloading more than they realize
    • I check for (example UQ - previous unilateral loading loss Cerv Ret and SB to left)
    1. both passive cervical retraction and SB bilaterally are full and pain free
    2. repeated cervical flexion and/or cervical SB to the right (unloading) does not cause obstruction or rapid loss of motion and/or pain with the previously involved side
    3. pain free in all function for at least 48 hours
    • then it's ok to resume normal ADLs and graded return to exercise and training
    • HEP remains bilateral loading prophylactically as long as unilateral loading continues to be symmetrical and pain free
    • the bilateral loading is just cervical retractions and/or lumbar extension in standing, a few times/day or dosage as needed to prevent loading loss
Here are some memorable course pics...
This skull crusher end range is really assisted by your wonderful coffee breath!
turn your head away when doing this technique to avoid those awkward moments!

Dave is deceptively good at an ODS!
Some videos of manipulation instruction and feedback, on me! What other thrust course allows you to manipulate the instructor?

Cervical downglide instruction

CT Junction instruction

It was a great course and two great mini case videos will be posted to the OMPT Channel in the future. The sale remains $10 off the first year and 1/2 off the first month until the end of 4/10/14! I have not gotten my dates together for my US Tour with MMIM, that will be posted as soon as possible!

Keeping it Eclectic... and waiting for more anti-manipulation trolls to leave useless comments after the post.

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