A Few Things I've Learned from Recent Students | Modern Manual Therapy Blog - Manual Therapy, Videos, Neurodynamics, Podcasts, Research Reviews

A Few Things I've Learned from Recent Students

I love teaching interns, I figure for all the hard work they put in, the least we could do is teach them as much as they are able and willing to learn. I also give credit where credit is due. Here are some good ideas some of my recent interns have come up with.

"The Lostracco"

I have a certain argumentative intern (only with me, but not assertive enough with noncompliant patients) who came up with a great idea for kettlebell rotations. It is obvious that many patients do not have access to kettlebells for the rotational exercise in hooklying or various positions of the Baby Get Up. Anyway, he was using his mother's old purse and filling it with hand weights. I previously was telling patient's to do the same exercise as illustrated in the video above, but holding a dumbbell. That does not have the same proprioceptive effect as the offset COG that a kettlebell does. The Lostracco method of using a bag is also more comfortable to patients not used to resting a metal ball on their forearm. Bonus for ghetto-ness.

The "Ruffino"

Have your patients ever complained of how the head support in their car excessively pushed their head forward? This often leads to headaches and/or neck pain while driving for excessive periods of time. My previous suggestion was to place a pillow behind their back to reduce the headrest moves their head forward. A previous intern had turned his headrest around to have the flat side facing forward. As long as you do not have some sort of active headrest, (i.e. a less expensive car) this was a great and simple solution!

I told both of my students that I would blog about their great and easy ideas! Anyone else have anything to share they learned from their current or previous students?

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