Today's Quick Links come from Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy, NY Times, and Scientopia.
As you're reading this, do you hear a voice in your head? Does it sound like your own voice to you? Research was done to prove just that and reviewed in Scientopia. Interesting stuff! I'd love to say I sound like a Sean Connery in my head, but I just sound like me.
Are you having trouble remembering things as you're getting older? What the heck are we talking about again? I used to attribute it to dad brain, and that may be somewhat true! Researchers have shown that it is due to a lack of sleep quality when comparing 20 somethings to retired aged individuals. Read the summary in the NY Times site.
John Snyder did a great lit review on Strength Training Considerations for PFS. He reviews the recent evidence that shows hip strengthening to have good outcomes in the short term and several month duration. Quadriceps strength is another thing and like the VMO, I do not find myself ever prescribing exercises for this unless they've been immobilized or had surgery. Your average person normally does not have quad weakness, sometimes it's a timing issue or motor control, but not often atrophied. PFS should be a rapidly reponding condition if the patient is compliant and the right treatments are chosen.
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