I hope you guys in the US are enjoying the holiday and getting some good deals on Black Friday. Here are the Top 5 things I am grateful for in our profession.
1) Getting to know patients and vice versa
I strive to make each visit as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. I'm also confused when a patient tells me they went to PT, but can't remember the facility much less the actual name of their health care provider. Getting to know the patient not only familiarizes you and your facility, but makes the patient feel more at home, less anxious and more likely to refer friends and family.
Some of my patients who have come back after a few years ask me how many kids I have now. That's good tracking for when I last saw them! I left my old job 1.5 years ago, and do not have access to their old records (don't really need them either, but always good to know how long they remained out of PT).
2) Better education
I am sure there are many examples of the contrary, but at least in Buffalo, NY, there is at least 2 FAAOMPTs involved in each program. One school has 6! The students are also more likely to question what you are doing due to learning the evidence in school. I also feel there are more quality options out there for continuing education, especially online.
3) The PT online community
I've only been blogging 1.5 years, but have already made so many contacts and learned a lot more in 1.5 years than I had in the past 3-4. I envy current students and new grads! You guys get all of our experience, knowledge, case studies, without making as many of the mistakes that we did.
From #solvePT on twitter, to facebook to traditional blogs, and sites that aim to bring us together like Therapydia, we are able to disperse information and learn just as quick as we can post! Thanks to everyone for participating in social media, for posting and sharing your knowledge, wisdom, and experience.
4) Direct Access
DA seemed like a joke when we first got it here in New York State. Ten visits or 30 days, whichever comes first, then refer to the PCP? Fast forward, six years later, all of the HMOs in the area cover DA visits, plus our laws are liberal enough to get another 30 days or 10 visits if there is a new condition (verified that ambiguity with someone at the New York State Office of Professions). Due to #1, around 60-70% of our cases are self referred. Every visit is a marketing opportunity!
5) My readers
I am eternally grateful for being discovered by other bloggers like Mike Reinold, Jeff Cubos and Harrison Vaughn, who shared my blog and gave me exposure. This blog has been a great outlet for me as I teaching and mentoring are my professional passions. Without you guys, there would be no Eclectic Approach Seminars, EDGE tool site, or Physio Answers! Thank you and please keep sharing!
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