Today's Quick Links come from Body in Mind, Chris Johnson, Dr. Jeff Cubos, and
Neil over at Body in Mind reviews a study that has some amazing results with chronic LBP. There are many reasons why this could have improved, and I agree that temperature is less likely, but still plausible. Perhaps we should advise wearing a wool turtleneck to bed to prevent spontaneous facet locks from a draft?
Chris Johnson recently shot a video progression of march/hurdle stepping exercises for runners and people with balance dysfunction. If they can move well slowly, the thought is that they can move better while running.
Dr. Jeff Cubos just wrote A Different View of Case Studies. I understand the research hierarchy, but also find case studies interesting. What works for one patient may not work for another, but you can always learn assessment, treatment, and clinical decision making from other clinician's experience. Great post Jeff! posts vids on youtube, check out their channel and subscribe! Here is a good one with for eccentric hamstring work.
Also, remember to sign up for the new forum, create and join the discussion at!
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