Effects of Time Restricted Eating on Human Health
SERIES (3/6)
TRE was overall well-tolerated, with an 80% adherence rate across 8 studies. However one of the 10 studies reported a dropout rate of 24%. Compliance to the 9/15 TRE was ~72% (+/- 24%), or about 5/7 days of the week.
The main determinants of adherence to a diet are:
- Ability to reduce the desire to eat.
- Conform to the patient’s eating habits.
In this review:
Hunger remained stable in 4 studies. In 1 study participants reported reduced hunger discomfort and reduced desire to eat. In addition, TRE has no limitation in the quality or quantity of the food, and thus more adaptability to the participants’ eating behaviors. Long-term adherence is the most important factor for overall health benefits. These studies lasted 4 days to 4 months, which is a relatively short time to conclude. However, in 1 of the studies, 63% of people were still engaged in TRE 16 months after the 12-week intervention finished.
TRE should be evaluated over a longer period (12 to 24 months). A common concern is TRE will increase calorie intake. Inversely, TRE unintentionally reduced caloric consumption by an average of 20%. Which is a similar level of calorie restriction to other voluntary restrictive dietary measures, such as continuous caloric restriction.
The largest continuous caloric restriction study, CALERIE, indicated that even the most motivated subjects were unable to maintain a 25% calorie restriction over two years.
Together, these findings suggest:
- TRE could represent a more sustainable strategy for patients who want to reduce their caloric in
- TRE could produce a more sustainable body weight loss than voluntarily restrictive diets.
Next Up in the Series!
4. Metabolic Effects
5. Effects on Circadian Clock and Other.
6. Conclusions
Adafer et al. 2020. Food Timing, Circadian Rhythm and Chrononutrition: A Systematic Review of Time-Restricted Eating’s Effects on Human Health. Nutrients 2020, 12, 3770

Dalton Urrutia, MSc PT
Dalton is a Physical Therapist from Oregon, currently living and running the performance physiotherapy clinic he founded in London for Grapplers and Strength & Conditioning athletes. Dalton runs the popular instagram account @physicaltherapyresearch, where he posts easy summaries of current and relevant research on health, fitness, and rehab topics.
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