I haven’t been as consistent writing on my blog (my apologies to readers), but I haven’t quit learning or reading clinical literature— just not taking as much time to post long articles that keep me away from family and work!
Therefore, I am going to start a new series of posting the title and quick synopsis of articles, youtube videos, discussions with colleagues / DPT interns, or other clinical material related to the field of physical therapy.
The Blog Title will always be: Random Bits & Big Hits
The intention is to get short conversations started about a topic that arises from the random bits I read…with intention that they create big hits!
Feel free to email me at harrisonvaughanpt@gmail.com or contact me via DM at @intouchpt on Twitter if you would like full access article. Feel free to comment on blog or through social media too. I hope you enjoy!

Acupuncture-induced haemothorax: a rare iatrogenic complication of acupuncture.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25791844
Even though very rare, all physical therapists, if you perform dry needling or not, should be have the understanding of a pneumothorax and in this case, a haemothorax. This is a short case study read that outlines the acupuncturist’s procedure, clinical reasoning following treatment (and several times over a phone call), a physiotherapist’s approach and finally treatment and discussion of a haemothorax. The patient did not follow through with acupuncturist’s recommendation to seek emergency care and unfortunately, the physiotherapist did not perform proper decision making to assist in recommending the correct decision for the patient. Acupoints and muscles that should be approached with extra caution are also provided.

Wow, this is an insanely rare and unfortunate case to have craniocervical instability after heading a soccer ball. Transient quadriplegia of a few minute duration following 2nd header in a ballgame led to immobilization and referral to physician. Grade 4 damage to transverse ligament and grade 3 damage to alar ligament was found following MRI. He went on to have AA fusion.
This doesn’t mean that you don’t need to head a ball anymore but something to be aware of. This guy had to have some type of underlying collagenous marker or previous trauma for this to occur, but was not said in the article. He also has been playing soccer as an amateur for 20 yrs so assuming he had knowledge on form. Concussions are always the talk for headers—maybe it is time to dust off your alar ligament test.
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Thank you for reading!
You can access my full blog at http://intouchpt.wordpress.com
-Harrison N. Vaughan, PT, DPT, OCS, Dip. Osteopractic, FAAOMPT
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