I love a great story. Don’t you? It could be a friend recapping an awesome fishing trip in which the canoe almost capsized, a movie with a tense mystery or my 3.5 year old son recreating his version of Star Wars (which is fantastically detailed with sound effects and all). Stories have also found their way into the world of business. This made me interested in how we can combine the use of story telling to deliver a genuine message that resonates with customers. So I reached out to Christoph Trappe, a marketing professional specializing in authentic story telling. In the podcast, Christoph and I discuss storytelling, business and human connection. Click here to listen!

About Christoph from www.authenticstorytelling.net
What’s the Authentic Storytelling Project? It’s information for brands and people about being heard by consumers and community members who are short on time. Authentic Storytelling is about sharing content that people make time for – even when they are busy.
Businesses, brands and communities can prosper when we all share our authentic stories. Yes, that includes social media, your website and who knows what’s going to be invented next.
Christoph Trappe, an U.S.-based digital branding strategist, blogs here about story development, distribution and audience engagement.
You can also connect with him on Twitter or receive updates through the email newsletter (see signup form on this page). His digital branding project can be found at TrappeDigital.com.
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