Top 5 Fridays! 5 Memorable Interview Quotes - via @Cinema_Air | Modern Manual Therapy Blog - Manual Therapy, Videos, Neurodynamics, Podcasts, Research Reviews

Top 5 Fridays! 5 Memorable Interview Quotes - via @Cinema_Air

Today's Guest Post is from the ever interesting and anonymous tweep, @Cinema_Air on twitter.

I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing some fantastic Physical Therapists over the last 1-2 years. I learned tons, and laughed a lot. Many of these interviews are worth re-reading periodically. Below are 5 memorable quotes from these interviews.

1) Peeing, pooping, sex, breathing, sitting… these are things that should be pleasant!

2) I had the interaction with Gray Cook that I will never forget and likely began our friendship and clinical synergetic relationship. He walked up to me after the lumbar spine practical session and stuck his big beefy finger in my chest and said, “You are the missing link.” I suppose I could have taken this many different ways coming from a guy a full foot taller than me looking like Billy Ray Cyrus two months late for his haircut appointment.

3) I always knew I wanted to be a physiotherapist, but never in my wildest dreams did I conceive that little precocious girl growing up in a rural village on the tiny island of Tobago would one day separate herself from her family, her source of comfort, strength and joy, leave behind the world as she knew it to pursue her dreams in a huge and whole new country, graduate and begin and grow a business all in 13 years…this has been and still is the most memorable adventure so far and I thank God for placing the right people, at the right time under the right circumstances to make this all possible.

4) Stop dating that guy. Wait for the Canadian….(I would sort of trail that last one off into a whisper, then slink back into the shadows….)

5) Catching 2 of my 4 daughters, the 3rd in the hospital – instant Niagara Falls coming out of my eyes, seriously the most emotional I have ever been. From dry to huge tears of joy stat! My fourth and most recent daughter, was a home birth. Watching my amazing wife going through labor, coaching her when needed, reassuring her doubts, was really breath taking. It was all her, with very little coaching needed this time. Our midwives suggested she labor in the tub for a bit, then she got the urge to push, and in two pushes, out comes Leila into my hands in the water! Life is an adventure, and I can say I am a baby catcher!

Looking for inspiration? Read more interviews here, here, & here!

--- Cinema

Read Monique's first! It is an amazing and very inspirational interview! Make sure to check out Cinema's interview on Therapy Insiders Podcast!

Keeping it Eclectic...

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