Today's Quick Links are from The Gait Guys, Body in Mind, and Aaron LeBauer.
Shawn and Ivo, AKA The Gait Guys take a simple poster with kids running on it and get a ton of information! Want to feel like your gait analysis skills need a little brushing up? Read this post!
Promising research on TNE and endogenous pain inhibition over at Body in Mind. The important part about this research is that it showed significant findings in females with fibromyalgia over the control group at 3 months. Also important to note that as other studies have cited, 1:1 sessions work better than group, but these 1:1 sessions were augmented by work to review upon leaving the session. As we all know, learning works best with repetition and although patients may comprehend Pain Science well, like anything, the message needs to be repeated for learning to occur. More than ever, I am either going to absolutely recommend my chronic pain patients buy Why Do I Hurt?, or some up with a TNE Quick Reference sheet with bullet points for their homework.
Dr. Aaron LeBauer, who runs a cashed based PT website interviewed one of my original and favorite tweeps, Ann Wendel. Ann used to have a similar private practice model to mine, a Consultant Model (business within an existing brick and mortar business), but has ventured out into the traditional private practice model. If you're interested in cashed based PT, watch this video.
As always, more Quick Links are available daily @ The OMPT Daily!
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