Today's Quick Links come from Browdering, Eat, Run, Rehabilitate, and EIM.
Adam Kelly recently attended FMT 1 and 2 with Dr. Perry Nickelston. He wrote a great review and included some quotes from one of social media's more outspoken and followed clinicians. If you have been on the fence after reading my review, and have not taken other kinesiotaping courses, these are the ones to consider!
#BizPT time! David Browder Want to increase your productivity by a significant amount! Turn off your notifications! This is a bit hard for me, as between my pc and android phone (and my android emulator on my pc), I have gotten 3 emails and 4 facebook notifications while writing this blog post. Do you get distracted at work? I know that my audience, which is mostly from the US, doubles Monday through Friday during work hours and literally halves over the weekend. So everyone reads at work!
John Childs of EIM recently wrote about validation of the CPR for lumbar stabilization. It's an interesting read because he muses about Jull and McGill being on the same research committee (you can imagine how that went), and more.
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