Today's Quick Links are from Perry Nickelston, Chris Johnson, and Berry Happy Bodies!
This is a themed Quick Links! The theme is the story of how the three individuals I know well from social media got into movement/manual therapy.
First up, we have everyone's favorite cyborg Chris Johnson's account of his recent triathlon. You know, the one where he actually beat Heinz Ward. Like many individuals, he was told incorrectly by some doom and gloom specialists that he would never be able to run again at a very young age. Would it even phase their pathoanatomical egos if they saw competing at a professional level decades later?
Perry Nickelston of Stop Chasing Pain/NKT fame also recently recounted his early life and how seeing a documentary changed his life. Change is hard, and it doesn't happen unless you make those changes yourself!
Alison Cupini is a high level yoga pracitioner and regular contributor to Physio Answers, my blog for the public. She posts some amazing yoga pics on her facebook page. How long has she been practicing yoga? She was also injured at a young age, and another PT failed to help her wrist pain. Yoga is what eventually regained her function and confidence and she eventually became a MT and DPT.
Sure all these stories look like the cover of PT Magazine, but it's different when I actually know them (and some of you may as well). Remember to read the OMPT Daily for more links!
Keeping it Eclectic....
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