Today's Quick Links are from Forward Thinking PT, Ben Fung, and In Touch PT.
OMPT Channel Update! Chronic Hip pain treated with ipsilateral loading lumbar roll on the OMPT Eclectics Channel.
Dr. Ben Fung wrote an epic post on his ideas for #acutePT. It's an interesting read and something I have not given thought of for a long time being in private practice for years and only recently starting my business of 1. If you are a manager or in the #acutePT environment, give it a read! Great job Ben!
Forward Thinking PT contributor Dr. Adam Rufa recently posted on Opioid Induced Hyperalgesia. I thought I misread it when it stated that a growing body of literature shows decreased pain thresholds for patients on opioids, even short term use. That is alarming, and sad that we are not even supposed to suggest a patient decrease their pain med dosage.
Dr. Harrison Vaughn posted the results of his survey on premanipulative hold. They are different from a much larger sample that was taken years ago. Why do you think the tide has changed in regard to recommend using it versus currently recommend dropping it? I still maintain it's a small and short test, while, not predictive of an adverse event only takes seconds. Chances are no harm will be done with a cervical thrust, but IMO better to play it safe.
Keeping it Eclectic...
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