Today's Quick Links are from Gray Cook, The Gait Guys, and The Sports Physio.
Are you a critical thinker, or just an arse? This is a question The Sports Physio tries to answer about himself and others. I am surprised an evidence based police (my EBP meaning) like himself uses kinesiotaping. Guess it is justifiable if your clinical decision making fits it in despite not having the best evidence. I still think there are better ways to justify your evaluation and treatment choices and not be EPB to the point of being an a-hole like many on a certain forum.
Gray Cook has been on a roll lately with regularly updates to his blog. Go his or listen to his latest post on balance. That is all. Edit: I'm going to use my daughter's gymnastic beam in between my HIIT kettlebell and Jungle Gym XT sets tonight to feed my sensory system instead of cleaning up their toys.
Have you read the Gait Guys Blog? If not, you should! They have a lot of great information on there. Here is a post on the importance of the being able to demonstrate movement not only for patients, but also anyone who watches you move, like your children!
Don't forget to check for more links, updated daily on the OMPT Daily!
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