Here are Today's Interesting Finds, click to find more, after the break jump!
First up is a post on hypermobility and how it correlates with anxiety by Specialist Pain Physio. He specializes in treating chronic pain through education, interaction, and the latest research based methods. I do find that a great number of my population that have hypermobility also have anxiety, but that's also because I treat up to 50% TMD, and not sure if that's a chicken or the egg thing.
Next up, one of my favorite online PTs, Ann Wendel had a guest post by Jerry Durham on your UVP. Whether you're a PT, Chiro, MT, you should be studying up on marketing techniques if you own your own business. Even if you do not, your livelihood depends on using some of these same techniques.
Here is a case with a little plug from Adam Kelly. He was able to incorporate MDT into helping a family member attend an important wedding! I'm confident since it was rapid onset, it will be rapid resolution as long as he remains compliant. Good job bud!
Below is the OMPT Daily!
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