The top posts of the day are below, click for more info!
First up is a lit review on manipulation specificity versus non-specificity on Physio Spot. If you're still trying to be specific for anything other than the cervical spine (only because it's better/safer technique, not because it's needed for improved outcomes), don't bother! It is liberating to practice what McKenzie had said for years, that specificity and "magic hands" are not needed.
Next is my pal Dr. Harrison Vaughn comparing PT to getting a hair cut. Are they more alike than you think? He gives some good advice on treating another clinician's patient. I tell my interns to ask what normally has been doing and is there anything else they want to be addressed. This is as long as it does not turn into A La Carte PT, and the clinician/student remains in control of the encounter.
Last but not least is a post from one of my favorite sites, Body in Mind. This is on visualization of a body part you are not used to seeing and how it may impact outcomes and treatment. If a mirror could improve outcomes, why not direct visual feedback from a video camera? I plan on trying this with some chronic, unspecified lower back pain and see if it helps with the "location" perception of the pain.
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