Today's Quick Links come from youtube, Pain Physician Journal (thanks to @snippetphysther for sharing), and Sports Medicine Research.
My business partner just came back from from TPI level 1. He had a great time and pointed me toward this great video on youtube showing Tom House Shoulder Exercises. There are quite a bit and I am definitely going to include a few of these into my dynamic stretching routine!
Since hearing Dr. Jo Nijs at IFOMPT, every time I read central sensitization, I hear his accent, since he said it 100 times during his presentation. I was about to link to the recent Body in Mind post by Jo, but instead thought I would link to this shared on twitter by @snippetphysther - thanks Selena! Read the article on Dysfunctional Endogenous Analgesia During Exericse in Patients with Chronic Pain.
Have you ever used normal US to try and diagnose a fracture? I once had a script from an ortho doc to use US to rule out a foot/ankle fracture. The 17 yo male's father was embarassed at his son's injury. His son was on a teeter-totter at a playground with another friend, who jumped off while the patient was at the apex vertically and he dropped and landed on his foot. Supposedly, if the US is extremely painful, you may have a fracture - he didn't, just stupidity. SMR reviews whether or not US and/or tuning forks can rule stress fractures in/out.
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