Quick Links!
Today's Quick Links come from Jason Rodeghero, In Touch PT, and the Sports Physiotherapist.
Jason Rodeghero is on a roll! The EIM faculty member has produced another great information video, this time on hip arthritis. There are several patients I have in mind who need to see a video like this. Keep them coming JRod!
Dr. Harrison Vaughn recently wrote another interesting By the Numbers post; this time, it was on 1334 patients who participated in a study that looked at SMT, ex only, and SMT + ex. I need to look at this study more closely as I want to know what type of "exercise" was used, whether it was general stretching, stabilization, or something more directed like MDT. I have more questions than answers, but it does agree with what we teach in our Fellowship Program at Daemen College, manual therapy + exercise has superior outcomes than either alone.
I'm having a mild DOMs right now from my new and instantly loved Nike Frees! What am I doing about it? Nothing specifically, which is echoed by a recent review on several different commonly used self treatments for DOMs posted by the Sports Physiotherapist.
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