Quick Links! | Modern Manual Therapy Blog - Manual Therapy, Videos, Neurodynamics, Podcasts, Research Reviews

Quick Links!

Today's Quick Links come from Body In Mind, the JOSPT, and Dr. Jeff Cubos.

Body In Mind updated their blog with a post about  their new Graded Motor Imagery Text. You can bet that I ordered one as soon as I saw their tweet. I recommend all the NOI texts, Explain Pain, The Sensitive Nervous System, and can recommend this, despite not having it yet, based on their past history.

JOSPT provided a link to the updated low back pain clinical practice guidelines linked to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF). It's a large document, and I haven't read it all, but perused the recommendations based on research. It is great to see it that it recommends manipulation, exercise, MDT, and even the pain science approach. Also of note is modalities were not recommended.

Dr. Jeff Cubos wrote a great post about the DNS and filling in the gaps. I am still trying to decide on whether or not to take DNS or PRI courses, and am leaning toward PRI just because of the first two being available for at home courses, which is easier for me (though I would still probably take a few days off to view the material!)

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