Today's Quick Links come from Eurekalert, The Sports Physiotherapist, Body In Mind, Save, and PT Think Tank.
Has a patient of yours ever looked at another patient in the clinic and said, "That guy is not doing well at all!" Or, in contrast, "That guy is doing much better than I am!" Here is a summary of some research that says why patients shouldn't compared themselves either way. When I notice a patient saying that, I tell them, "For all people, there is someone always doing better and doing worse. You should focus on how you are doing now compared to how you were prior to starting treatment."
The Sports Physiotherapist reviews research that may allow you to predict the prognosis better after hamstring injury. The recovery period and readiness to progress to more aggressive rehab like eccentric training depends on the location of the injury/which hamstring muscle.
More Lorimer Moseley asking Why Do We Keep Beating Around the Bush, in regard to Teaching People About Pain. He states it is not good enough to state that someone has "gone chronic" and is now appropriate for pain education. Again, I point I disagree with as not everyone needs the in the brain explanation, especially at the acute state when they will most likely get better before central sensitization occurs. It's often a tough sell and much easier to use peripheral/mechanical explanations in a practical sense.
Paul Ingraham on writes about That Massage Article that so many massage blogs have picked up and ran with last recently. He breaks it down very well about the erroneous assumptions the researchers have made regarding the effects of massage and mitochondira.
Dr. Mike Pascoe, PhD live tweeted Drs. Clelland and Bialosky's Manual Therapy: How Does It Work, presentation from CSM 2012. Some great research and points made. Some of which we teach in our manipulation program in fellowship. Recent studies have shown that specificity does not matter (or is indeed not possible in regard to moving 2 segments only), and that manual therapy has more neurophysiologic modes. This is why I think all multimodal studies have better outcomes, because the repeated motions, or HEP enforces the improved pain free movement patterns, thus decreasing threat and increasing stretch tolerance. The more modes of treatment, other than passive modalities, the more bombarding of the CNS that eventually results in improved movement quality and quantity.
Hope this gets your through the weekend and thanks for reading!
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