Today's Quick Links come from Dr. Leon Chaitow, Dr. Charlie Weingroff, and Selena Horner via My Physical Therapy Space
Dr. Chaitow, DO updates his research on Breathing Pattern Disorders and Lumbopelvic Pain and Dysfunction. It's very thorough. I focus on breathing mainly for the chronic pain patient, and chronic headaches/TMD as most of them have BPD. This helps with relaxation, decreases anxiety, and CNS sensitivity. It is usually where I start integration of pain education.
Dr. Charile Weingroff, DPT recently wrote about Foot Positions in the Squat and as usual, does a great job breaking down the mechanics of toes straight, toes out, and flat foot, and toes curled.
Selena Horner, PT echoes some of my clinical frustrations in integrating modern pain science into clinical practice. Be sure to check out The Pain Game. I will be blogging about my own experiences with this as soon as I am able to collect my thoughts on it! A wealth of great research doesn't make it practical or an easy topic to breech with the patients who need it the most.
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