Reflections on the Eclectic Approach UQ Chicago Area | Modern Manual Therapy Blog - Manual Therapy, Videos, Neurodynamics, Podcasts, Research Reviews

Reflections on the Eclectic Approach UQ Chicago Area

Reflections on the Eclectic Approach to UQ Chicago Area

The Eclectic Approach is always evolving. I read the critiques and weight them more than the accolades.

Here are some changes I made to the seminars this weekend

Two main messages - 1) Assertiveness 2) End Range!

Cervical Thrust Manipulation
  • for contact points: instead of saying my second MCP of the thrusting hand was on the zygoapophyseal joint of a certain level, I said it was on the back of the neck lateral to the spinous process.
  • Why make it any more complicated than that? It's not!
  • I divided the cervical spine into upper and lower (upper still below C2 as I do not teach thrust to OA or AA)
For you OMPT Channel subscribers, my sister-in-law shot me doing an entire mini eval and treatment, it's probably about a 30 minute vid and will be uploaded sometime this week.

I also purposely picked someone to evaluate and treat that I thought was a slow responder, to show that it's not all smoke and mirrors. Incidentally, his name was John Mayer, so the jokes were on about that all day! Typical of most slow responders he had
  • multidirectional loss of motion
  • he's been like this “for a long time” - as in stiff, no complaints
  • I tried light IASTM along his cervical patterns, light subcranial shear distractions, end range overpressure, and sustained overpressure
  • like I thought, he felt “looser” but there was no rapid change in movement

I demonstrated the use of EDGE Mobility Bands for improvements in shoulder and neurodynamic mobility. Here is a vid I shot earlier in the year showing this for neurodynamics.

Some vids of thrust manipulation instruction from the weekend.

Some pics of the courses and with loyal blog readers.

My sister in law Erica Religioso doing an upper thoracic thrust distraction

Dogs and Cats living together! Mass Hysteria! A chiro student, DC/PT and myself!

thoracic thrust manipualtion

radial neurodynamics with EDGE Mobility Band

He had to skip class to take the course! So I let him do some assignments

Ryan, a loyal reader since PT school!
So the courses are ever evolving, and if you want the Eclectic Approach to come to your area (or back for more), please request it at

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